Sunday, March 1, 2009

Crazy Weekend at ACC

This weekend has been a total whirlwind! I ended up being fortunate enough to work for the innovative jewelry artist Ben Neubauer this weekend downtown at the American Craft Council Show for the retail days. It was an honor as always to be able to assist at such a world renowned show and gain valuable experience under Ben. As you can see his work is as beautiful as it is mind boggling. I spent the majority of the time working the booth, but I managed to slip away and see most of the show. If you have never been to ACC, you really are missing out. They have the most talented artists that make the most stunning products in every category, not to mention the sheer size of the show, it's enormous!  So after many hours of standing I am finally home. I'm very happy to have met many new people and had  another great experience working with Ben. Please check his work out, it is truly one of a kind jewelry!

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