Saturday, December 12, 2009

Update in Photos

It's the weekend! I guess I forgot that I have a blog :) Here is a quick update in photos of what I've been up to recently not necessarily in order!  Try to keep up: 

1) Finished up my last Show of 2009 at Dulaney's Holiday Bazaar, it snowed! Really nice show met a lot of nice crafty folks. 

2) Almost done my custom orders YAY! 

3) Beginning my Holiday baking extravaganza including, and not limited to: Sugar cookies, peppermint yule log, apple pie, spritz, and a ginger bread house.

4)Studying Japanese Language, I've graduated from hiragana and onto Kanji now. Tokyo here I come!

5) Got some Christmas spirit into the house and also some destroyed by the kitties.

6) Perfected my rice ball (onigiri) making to some extent they tasted great :)

what have you all been up to?  Have a lovely rest of the weekend!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Last Show!

Dropping by for a quick  plug to my very last show of the 2009 season! Come out to see me and browse for some pretty Christmas gifts at the 

Dulaney High School Holiday Bazaar this Saturday December 5th from 10am - 3pm!

A few of my high end pieces will be on sale for the end of the year and I've actually managed to create a few new things for this last show! Hope to see you all there!
