Saturday, December 12, 2009

Update in Photos

It's the weekend! I guess I forgot that I have a blog :) Here is a quick update in photos of what I've been up to recently not necessarily in order!  Try to keep up: 

1) Finished up my last Show of 2009 at Dulaney's Holiday Bazaar, it snowed! Really nice show met a lot of nice crafty folks. 

2) Almost done my custom orders YAY! 

3) Beginning my Holiday baking extravaganza including, and not limited to: Sugar cookies, peppermint yule log, apple pie, spritz, and a ginger bread house.

4)Studying Japanese Language, I've graduated from hiragana and onto Kanji now. Tokyo here I come!

5) Got some Christmas spirit into the house and also some destroyed by the kitties.

6) Perfected my rice ball (onigiri) making to some extent they tasted great :)

what have you all been up to?  Have a lovely rest of the weekend!

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