Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Root and Sky

Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you all know about a friend of mine who makes the most amazing body care products. Her line is called Liquid Ember and it is based on the ancient Indian concept of ayurveda or the science of life, to help create a healthy balance in your mind-body connection. I've had the pleasure of testing out her products at a recent show and I was so impressed! She has put so much effort, research and love into her product line and it really shows. She has just opened up her online store and if you get the chance please check it out! Her website is:

Also just as a small update, I've applied for all of my Fall/Winter shows and I have managed to squeeze in a date for the annual Home Show this year with one exciting change: We'll be holding it at the new house this year! So mark your calendars for the weekend of November 6-7.  (Please e-mail me if you would rather receive an e-mail invite to save the trees!!)

 I'll be in Philly tomorrow checking out some great artsy shops (and of course China Town) and I'll  have  some photo updates when I get back!

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