Monday, June 7, 2010

Art In the Park Recap

I forgot to do my recap yesterday because I was celebrating with Kirk our belated 1st year wedding anniversary! The cake from the freezer was not as good as I had expected :) However, Art in the Park was much better than I had expected! Saturday was such a wonderful way to end my three show stint. Fairly good weather, kindest people, and excellent art. I was so pleased with how this show went. I got to chat with so many people with such a great appreciation for artists and their work. Thanks again to everyone who stopped by to support me! 
Also, I had a gallery offer extended to me so I'll let you know what happens with that later on! For this week I'm working on the shop, I'm about 1/2 way finished listing items and soon it will be fully functional! I'll list the link and post about it here. 

Enjoy this wonderful Monday!

1 comment:

Lilies in my Cereal said...

I love the banner!!!! And yes happy belated! I'm so late!