Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Closer Look: Flip Book Pattern Pendant

Here is my new Flip Book Pattern Pendant from my earlier post. I wanted to create something that would be very versatile without being very large or complicated. I started thinking about moods and how things can look really different depending on how you feel, and that feeling changes every day. For instance, how on sunny days I'm drawn to wearing white, but on rainy days I gravitate towards grey. I wanted to make a piece of jewelry that could change with your moods (without being bulky or with lots of parts) So this was my answer to that challenge.

These photos show the second attempt at this design and I'm really happy with almost everything. The pendant is comprised of  a wood panel, a simple textured white panel, and a pattern panel. With this combination of  three, I feel like you can wear it with virtually any outfit! The only thing I'm still working on is the jump ring size. With 9mm jump rings, the panels turn, but not as smoothly as I want so I'll be testing different sizes until  I'm confidant in the design. 


Unknown said...

Oh that is gorgeous! Nice work

Unknown said...

Thanks Kristen! You're always such a great supporter of my work :)