Monday, November 30, 2009

In a nutshell

Kirk setting up the Tree!

Hi!!! So I've been sick this last weekend so not much has been happening except fluids and sleep, thus there have been no updates jewelry wise until today! Feeling much better not only because I'm not running a fever, but because we got a our little faux Christmas tree up the other night! I love Christmas. It was all of $25 and I think it looks great in our low ceiling little house! 
Batch of Customs ready to be delivered

Here's a quick rundown of what else I've been up to this last week and a half: 
I've been busy finishing up custom orders, had a wonderful Thanksgiving,  went shopping on Black Friday, refinanced our house, caught a nasty cold,  got some Christmas shopping done, gearing up for my final show at Dulaney High School. PHEW. The end. Hope you all had a great Holiday weekend and are getting excited for the Christmas season!

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