Thursday, August 2, 2012

Get Out of a Rut

It's one of those list days today. I'm currently figuring out what I don't need. Sounds weird but its an exercise you should try sometime. It's sort of liberating to do once in a while. Im listing because I've been feeling a bit boxed in with my creativity and I just feel like I need to make some changes in my life. Nothing Earth shattering, just some small tweaks to open up my thoughts more. It's always tricky to balance life, spending more time on one thing means less for another. If only there were more hours in a day!

I've gone through this phase many times before so I know it will pass. In the past I have learned that making lists helps. So does rearranging my studio furniture, adding green house plants, and sketching more. So I'll be doing all of the above in the next few days. What helps you get your mind flowing again?

Xoxoxo - Amy

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