Monday, October 25, 2010

Little Bird Falls in Love Collaboration

One of the most exciting things about being an artist is being able to meet other artists and share our ideas and talents. You just never know what will be created. I'm super excited to share a collaboration that amazingly talented artist, teacher, and friend, Caitlin Johns has created for Sun Ah Blair Jewelry.

 Caitlin has an  uncanny knack for making things just plain adorable, so it was only natural for her to collaborate with my little bird pendants which so many people label as "so cute!" Caitlin has her degree in Art Education from Towson University and teaches children of all ages the joy of creativity. She is amazing in just about every medium, but painting is her main love.

I'm also very excited to announce that she has graciously decided to create a line of holiday cards for my upcoming shows! You will be able to purchase them at the Holiday home Show and all of my shows through December. I will share preview photos when they are ready.

Some of Caitlin's paintings:

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